Transport, metastability, and neuromorphic applications in quantum networks (QNet)

QuantERA 2023 Project

Call topic: Quantum Phenomena and Resources

Project start date – July 31, 2024

Duration – 36 months

Budget ~ 1.2 mil eur


Project summary

The goal of QNet is to provide concepts and methods for manipulating quantum information, where fault-tolerant performance is assisted or even boosted by noise and dissipation. For this purpose, we will assess the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum network with long-range interactions in the presence and as a function of noise, with a specific focus on applications to quantum associative memories and quantum reservoir computing.
The proof-of-principle concepts will be tested on state-of-the-art experimental platforms consisting of (i) ultracold atoms in a high-finesse cavity with tunable temperature, noise and dissipation, and (ii) superconducting quantum circuits that are coupled to on-chip mesoscopic heat baths. On these platforms we will test the role of noise and dissipation on quantum neuromorphic computation.

QNet will provide a toolbox of concepts and paradigms, paving the way to the next generation of quantum technologies.
